PV Decentralised Energy Investment (PV-DEI) Index
The Photovoltaic Decentralised Energy Investment (PV-DEI) Index measures how favourable it is to invest in decentralised photovoltaic (PV) mini-grids in a given country.
The index is based on financial, environmental, social and political factors. This explorer highlights good practices as well as challenges related to mini-grid investments for Sub-Saharan African countries.
650 million people in Africa have no access to electricity. Although the continent has a huge untapped renewable energy potential, there is a lack of investment in renewable energy systems.
The PV-DEI Index can be of interest to stakeholders in the institutional and private sectors: policy makers, international donors, governments and philanthropic investors.
The PV-DEI index uses 52 indicators classified in 4 main pillars:
- the financial indicators are positive if the funding possibilities in the country are favourable;
- the political indicators are positive if the political/policy situation is stable;
- the environmental indicators reflect the potential for exploiting local renewable energy resources, in particular with PV mini-grids, and minimizing CO2 emissions;
- the social are positive when investments can bring higher socio-economic impact, i.e., when electrification can bring greater relative benefits to areas with higher levels of poverty.
The PV-DEI tool methodology is the result of a collaborative effort between the Joint Research Centre, DG INTPA and the University of Cambridge's Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance. For further description of the methodology, see the following publication. Check also the complete dataset.Important caution: given the rapid political changes occurring in some countries, some scores may be sensitive to the time when the data was collected.The PV-DEI index currently only covers one specific point in time (2019), although future work will extend the PVDEI-tool to measure the evolution of the index over time.
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ScoreboardBreak-down by pillars
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Scoreboard is ordered by General Index. Click any other label (Financial, social...) in order to change scoreboard and map close
Overall Score | Environmental | Social | Political | Financial |
X Axis
Y Axis
Electrification rate62.1Rural electrification rate23.1Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption23.1
Market size: Electricity accessMarket size: number of new customers7,078,933PV mini-grid market size6,052,091Market size by SHS or nano-solar1,026,842
Total investment (EUR) 20 years lifetimeAverage Levelized cost of electricity per country [EUR/kWh]cost/capita [EUR/person]