Terrestrial Critical Natural Assets

Critical natural assets are defined as the natural and semi-natural terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems required to maintain 12 of nature’s ‘local’ contributions to people (local NCP) on land. 12 Local NCP for key benefits like security in food, water, hazards, material and culture. as follows: for food, pollinator habitat sufficiency ofr pollination dependent crop production, fodder production for livestock, wild riverine and marine fish catch ; for water, water quality regulation, via sediment retention and nutrient retention; for natural hazards, flood risk reduction and coastal risk reduction. For materials, timber production, fuelwood production and access to nature. For cultural benefits, coral reef tourism and access to nature for recreation or other uses. Criticality of the natural assets was defined on the basis of the highest value areas across all NCPs, the magnitude of benefits and the number of beneficiaries. Cropland, urban areas, bare areas and permanent snow and ice are excluded from the analysis.
Suggested citation
Chaplin-Kramer, R., Neugarten, R.A., Sharp, R.P. et al. Mapping the planet’s critical natural assets. Nat Ecol Evol (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-022-01934-5
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