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High-input agriculture (areas of concern)

The application of fertiliser is a key component in increasing agricultural production. However, there are thresholds beyond which the cost of inputs fails to lead to corresponding increases in yield. Beyond economic inefficiency, overuse of commercial inorganic fertiliser can also result in a decline in soil condition and structure, including reduced soil carbon content, water-holding capacity and porosity, and to environmental pollution. This layer displays the areas of concern for high-input agriculture related issues derived from the convergence of global evidence of human-environment interactions that can have land degradation consequences.

Cherlet, M., Hutchinson, C., Reynolds, J., Hill, J., Sommer, S., von Maltitz, G. (Eds.), World Atlas of Desertification, Publication Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2018.


Concerns can be validated or dismissed only by evaluating them within their local biophysical, social, economic and political contexts. Local context provides an understanding of causes and consequences of degradation, but also offers guidance for efforts to control or reverse it.

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