Crop Mapping for GEOGLAM Country Level Support - Uganda

Crop conditions monitoring is highly relevant for food security early warning and response planning in food insecure areas of the world. GEOGLAM is the Group on Earth Observations' Global Agricultural Monitoring Initiative. Its main objective is to reinforce the international community's capacity to produce and disseminate relevant, timely and accurate forecasts of agricultural production at national, regional, and global scales by using Earth Observation data. Copernicus4GEOGLAM is one of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Services managed by the EC Joint Research Centre. This project aims at producing baseline information allowing countries in Africa to improve their agricultural monitoring systems. This crop map covers a 89296 km2 of Uganda. It shows the situation at the end of the long rain season of 2021. The mapping service is requested by the country and the results are made fully and freely accessible.
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European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) (2021): Uganda AOI. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] PID:
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